talk not to me of blasphemy, by Cinaed (E)

Jan 10, 2014 11:07

Pairing: Benvolio/Mercutio
Length: 2071 words
Author on LJ | Tumblr: cinaed | cinaed
Author Website: fic on AO3
Why this must be read:

Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio cross-dress as nuns to sneak into a convent so Romeo can get laid, but what are Benvolio and Mercutio to do while they're waiting?

It can't all be doom and gloom forever, even in post-apocalyptic Verona. It's a little bit of a puzzle to me that there isn't more Benvolio/Mercutio or trio hijinks, given how flirty some of the actors get, but this story definitely fills some of those needs and manages to be not completely depressing! There's also some great insight into the characters and their relationships, humor, and a hot blowjob-a little bit of everything.

Mercutio laughs once more. “What, am I the serpent to your Eve? I shall not tempt you with forbidden fruit, dear Benvolio, not even from the Tree of Knowledge, for I think we would both find such knowledge bitter fare. Especially as the sisters here grow pear trees. No, I had something far sweeter in mind.” The moonlight shines full upon his face, exaggerates his leer.

Benvolio watches him warily. He cannot guess the thoughts that teem within Mercutio’s mind, but he knows that mischievous, half-lidded look well enough. It is one which means Mercutio, having no one else to flirt with, will turn his attention upon Benvolio, as though he fears his charms will sour if he has no one to practice them upon.

talk not to me of blasphemy

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romeo es julia, musical theater, fanfic

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