A Perfect Woman, Nobly Planned by nonisland (PG)

Dec 01, 2013 09:32

I debated over what to rec as my last fic, especially with the news of crack_van closing and decided to pick a story that featured one of my very favorite rare pairs in Merlin.

Fandom: MERLIN
Pairing: Elena/Mithian
Length: 1884
Author on LJ: non_island
Author Website: AO3
Why this must be read:

I'm a sucker for compelling characterizations, especially ones that lead to an unexpected relationship between the two most unlikely characters set within canon. I particularly loved Mithian's characterization in this which is portrayed by some great details. The way she struggles between what she has been taught and her duty with her own desires is wonderfully well-written. And the slow, but evolving relationship she has with Elena is just lovely.

A Perfect Woman, Nobly Planned

merlin, fanfic

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