guns & drums and guns & drums and the enemy never slew you by postcardmystery (Mature)

Nov 29, 2013 08:09

Pairing: Chris Argent/Peter Hale
Length: 592 words
Author on LJ: none that I know of
Author Website:
Why this must be read:

Chris Argent has become one of my favorite TW characters; every season he just gets more and more complex. It is fascinating to watch his ever-evolving, ever-shifting allegiances onscreen. Besides Allison, he's the only Argent with a true moral compass. It is that dark-but-honorable mentality that has always separated him from Kate, Gerard, and Victoria. "guns & drums" expresses these traits in a way that feels like Chris gradually coming to terms with who he is in his heart-of-hearts. Which leads to a fantastic, thrilling perspective on Peter. Peter and Chris rightly regard each other as the truly dangerous ones to watch out for, rather than the "kids" of Teen Wolf. A scarily competent, complex Chris Argent is in full force here, especially when slashed with Peter Hale. Basically, two great vicious tastes, that taste even better and more vicious together.

postcardmystery's fic has a rhythm that is almost poetic or musical, which is fitting, given the title. Its blunt, but not heartless style suits the Chris POV perfectly. I won't spoil the ending, but will just say it is delightfully fitting.

Read "guns & drums and guns & drums and the enemy never slew you":
You watch and you wait and you sharpen your axe, and if someone’s afraid of the big bad wolf, it sure as shit isn’t you.

teen wolf, fanfic

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