Welcome to Night Vale/Teen Wolf, by HalfFizzbin and otter (PG)

Nov 17, 2013 00:43

Title: Full Moon Radio
Pairing: Gen
Length: currently two episodes, each approximately 2,000 words/15 to 20 minutes
Authors on LJ: unknown
Authors’ Websites: HalfFizzbin on Tumblr, Soundcloud, and on AO3; otter on tumblr and on AO3
Notes: Spoilery for the first half of season three of Teen Wolf
Why this must be read (and heard):

The moon is round tonight, yellow and full, so close and so bright. Perhaps you're thinking, wasn't the moon full last night? And the night before that? And didn't I hear some mysterious howling? We don't talk about the howling. Don't say anything about the howling. But you're right about the moon. The moon was full last night. And last week. And the week before that. The moon is always full, here. Welcome to Beacon Hills.

In this clever mash-up, events from Teen Wolf are reported in the style of Welcome to Night Vale, complete with music. Otter has sly fun highlighting the TV show’s mounting body count and the absurdities of the ostensibly “realistic” setting (seriously, what’s the deal with that abandoned shopping mall?), and the material is admirably served by HalfFizzbin’s sardonic delivery.

The series is ongoing, but the episodes work as standalone pieces.

Full Moon Radio on AO3 (link to series page; audio and transcripts in each chapter)

teen wolf, crossover, welcome to night vale, podfic, fanfic

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