The Gay Deceivers, by Vera

Nov 13, 2013 20:45

Changing up a gear in the van now, as I race towards the weekend. Whee!

Pairing: Bodie/Murphy, Bodie/Doyle
Length: 5330 words
Author on LJ: copracat
Author Website:
Why this must be read:

It's light-hearted and good-humoured, and I love the dialogue and the description. In it, Doyle discovers Bodie is bisexual - after walking in on him and Murphy sharing a kiss.

"Ray. It's who I am. I'm the same man I was yesterday."
"No, you're not."
Bodie kept silent. His strategy, though not explicit, was to let Doyle's turbulence crash against the calm sea wall of his stoicism, until he'd talked himself into calmer waters.
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your partner."
Bodie smiled, a little wry, "Nice to meet you Doyle. By the way, I'm a poof. Hope you don't mind working with me. I promise not to grab your arse at the wrong moment."
"You bastard," Doyle said, almost equably, betraying tension "Does anyone else know? "
"In CI5? Only Murph. Well, anyone else bent that way might guess. I've a few suppositions myself."
"Who? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know. Does Cowley know?"

I love Doyle's combination of curiosity and backtracking in that "Who? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know". And over the course of the story, that's what we get: determined ignoring of the situation interrupted by wanting to know more, with Doyle's curiosity eventually triumphing.

And then... then... (and this is the bit I love)... Bodie finds he has unleashed more than he has bargained for, as Doyle happily sets about catching up...

I do like it when one of the lads is testing the composure of the other. In this one, it's Doyle. There is determined Doyle, matey Doyle, persistently curious Doyle, and (yum) boneless drunken Doyle, and they all test poor Bodie to the limit. Great fun.

The Gay Deceivers

(If you're logged in, you can also read it and grab it for ereaders on AO3:

the professionals, fanfic

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