Boys Wanna Be Her by paperclipbitch (NC-17)

Oct 06, 2013 17:37

Pairing: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Length: 6991
Author on LJ: paperclipbitch
Author Website: LJ or AO3
Why this must be read:

It's a sign of a really good writer and a good story, when they can get you to enjoy and rave to all your friends about a scenario or pairing that generally doesn't appeal to you - and paperclipbitch's fic has done that to me twice now. In this instance, I didn't have to be sold on the idea of Clint/Natasha, but the body swap trope isn't usually one of my go-tos. Many body swap fics end up going for the quick laugh over characterization, but not this one. It's not dark or angsty, but it's thoughtful at times and does have some depth and subtlety to the characters that's fantastic. paperclipbitch has a wonderful knack for witty dialogue and she also incorporates all sorts of little details about what it might be like to switch bodies that really make the story stand out.

It is Clint/Natasha, but their relationship is already established long before any body-swapping occurs, and the sexual component is just one part of the chord of notes that makes up that relationship. Yes, they have the obligatory "how the other half lives" experience of changing with someone of the opposite sex, but they also have new realizations about one another's experiences and views as working partners and friends. All-in-all, it's a solid, really enjoyable story that shouldn't be missed.

Phil shows up with coffee as the fascinated medical personnel are drawing their third vial of blood out of Clint’s arm, while Nat looks long-suffering as she tries to fill out an incident report with the realisation she’s now left-handed.

“I’ve brought coffee,” Phil announces, holding a paper cup out to Clint before shaking his head slightly and offering him the other cup he’s holding. He takes it gratefully, wincing as the doctor pulls the needle out of his arm and tapes a pad over the vein, and gulps down a few frantic mouthfuls. He grimaces immediately; Phil’s usually brilliant at remembering this kind of thing, but this is definitely not his usual, it’s much too sweet.

A glance at Nat reveals her pouting at her own coffee, and without saying anything they swap the cups back.

“Your taste buds are weird,” Natasha observes, taking a tentative sip of her new coffee.

Clint’s now drinking coffee without sugar, which he normally hates, but it weirdly tastes right now.

“So are yours,” he replies. It’s childish, yes, but forgivable given the circumstances.

Phil sighs, and drags up a chair.

Boys Wanna Be Her AO3 or LJ
Author's Summary: Bodyswap! (Clint makes a mental note never to tell Nat that he realised he was inside her body by recognising her boobs.)

As always, if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to let the author know. You'll absolutely make their day, I promise. :D

the avengers (movieverse), fanfic

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