Pairing: James T. Kirk/Spock
Length: 13,709 words
Author on LJ:
rhaegalAuthor Website:
on AO3Why this must be read:
Admiral James T. Kirk is desperately in love with Spock, and has been for many years. This story is set after the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, so we have a Spock newly in touch with his emotions after trying to purge them for so long through the Kolinahr and a Kirk who has been burned too often by his own feelings and who is unwilling to pick up on Spock's signals that he's finally ready for a real relationship with his friend.
I like this story a lot because the characterizations feel very real and in-line with the way the actors portrayed them in a way that fanfic often doesn't. Spock must slowly woo a reluctant Kirk. And they actually (GASP) talk about their relationship! Lovely.
De Profundis by Rhaegal