Nothing but Trouble by Khaleesian (explicit)

Aug 23, 2013 15:26

Pairing: Roman Pearce/Brian O'Conner, Dominic Toretto/Brian O'Conner (mention of Brian O'Connor/Monica Fuentes)
Length: 51.075 words
Author on LJ: khaleesian
Author website: AO3
Why this must be read: I love this story for many reasons. I love Dom/Brian and I love Rome/Brian and here both pairings are wonderfully realized, both with their very own, very unique dynamics. It starts with Brian and Rome having a casual thing going on while Brian and Dom both realize that there might also be something there between the two of them. I love how both Dom and Rome can't really stand each other and the only thing they have in common is that they both really like Brian. Without wanting to give too much away let me just say that the characters' motivations as well as their actions are wonderfully complex and this is one of my absolute favorite stories.

A little example of what I love about this:

Brian wondered if this was the hangover, shit, he sure hoped it was. The nausea was like a fist through his guts. Why, just why oh why could it never be easy? Here was Roman here beside him, couldn’t hold onto a woman for a month running either…but if he reached for Roman right now, in the open, in sunlight, Rome would probably punch him so hard that Brian would throw up. Or maybe he wouldn’t. But he wouldn’t look at Brian the way that Dom had that last time…

Inertia, momentum, gravity

the fast and the furious, fanfic

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