If You Wish Upon A Star by lunabee34 (G)

Jul 25, 2013 18:56

Pairing: none
Length: 1,168 words
Author on LJ: lunabee34
Author Website: Masterlist on LJ
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary : This is a set of five vignettes from the POV of various Genii that focuses on the coping mechanism of fantasy


This fic brings to life the Genii like no other that I've ever read. From the view point of five very distinct characters, this story splashes color and makes us feel for them as they try and find their way in the new lay of things in the Pegasus Galaxy. Idos' passion for his people, Sora's unique understanding, Cowen's lust for power, Kolya's conflicted respect for his enemies, and Ladon's hope for the future all make this very unique culture of the Pegasus Galaxy shine and throb with life.

If You Wish Upon A Star

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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