Shadows Follow Where He Walks by naye (PG)

Jul 22, 2013 19:40

Pairing: none
Length: 2,700 words
Author on LJ: naye
Author Website: AO3
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary : A young man must take a dark and twisted path to save everything he loves.


Everyone remember that bright and energetic boy from the pilot of SGA, that young kid who was so in awe of Shepperd and wanted to learn everything he could about these new friends from Altantis? Well, in this very dark and sorrowful postulation of his ultimate fate, life isn't so innocent or bright anymore. Experimented on by Michael, Jinto is created into something not quite human. He's constantly driven from world to world, trying to find the succor and help that he can never have. By the end, he finds his own way to express his defiance. But it's a very sad and painful journey for our young friend. The author brings to life a character that is in a lot of pain but who will fight to the bitter end the only way he knows how. You'll want to weep for poor Jinto by the end at the same time as you cheer for him.

Shadows Follow Where He Walks

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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