Arthurian Legends by blue_fjords (R)

Jul 13, 2013 17:46

Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Length: 3183
Author on LJ:
Author Website: Ao3
Why this must be read:
For the prompt: Dream sharing has its own "Arthurian Legend." Basically I'd love to read about rumors, legends, tall tales and not-so-tall tales about that point man. Outsider POV with crazy stories about what Arthur did and what he didn't do. Also, A/E if you can get it in there too!

An outsider-POV Mike Jones (the OC) keeps hearing the stories about Arthur (almost impossibly handsome and badass) around the dream share community for years until he finally gets the chance to meet the legend. (Along with Eames who also has his own share of reputation making stories). Then Jones has his own chance to pass on his story about the legends.

Arthurian Legends

inception, fanfic

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