Tongues of Men and Angels [Teen]

Jun 25, 2013 22:34

Fandom: Tongues of Men and Angels
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Length: 58,523 words
Author on LJ: mad-maudlin
Author Website: AO3
Author Summary: When SG-4 is ambushed offworld, an injured Major John Sheppard must put his trust in a Tok'ra agent named McKay to survive. But what secrets is McKay keeping about his mission, the planet, and his own motives for helping John?

Why this must be read: This fic has a unique, fun premise that keeps you reading. John is severely injured offworld and left in the care of a tok'ra. While John recovers, he must mourn the loss of his team and attempt to figure out exactly what the secretive McKay is up to. There's also the matter of John's strange dreams... Mad_Maudlin really makes them feel like John and Rodney despite the different experiences they've had. The plot is engaging and moves the fic right along, and you come to care about the OC's (who are well-written and fully fleshed out).

Tongues of Men and Angels

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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