Event Horizon Books (Mature)

Jun 21, 2013 19:40

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Length: 25,305
Author on LJ: daughtershade
Author Website: AO3
Author's Summary: The unique thing about Event Horizon, and something Rodney was quite proud of, was that the store itself was a physical representation of the mind of its owner. The filing system that had so amused Sheppard served a greater purpose. The problem was that Rodney hadn't yet figured out just what that purpose was. He only knew that he liked things a certain way. If one took a moment to piece the filing system together, they would realize that it told the story of one man, perched behind his counter, trying to fend off the world.

Why this must be read:
Rodney owns a bookshop and John owns a surf shop just a few doors down. Booted out of academics, Rodney's life is quiet and orderly. When John enters his shop one day, he's amused despite Rodney's best efforts to get him to go away. From there, John draws Rodney into his world of surfing, teenagers, and tutoring (with a little bit of danger thrown in). The author has a great handle on John and Rodney's relationship and her OC's are likable and well-written. This fic is so fun and was an instant rec as soon as I finished it the first time.

Event Horizon Books

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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