Promises Writ in Indelible Ink [PG-13]

Jun 13, 2013 22:46

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Pre-John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: PG-13 (author rates as PG-ish)
Word Count: ~7500
Author's Website: No More Tears
Summary: You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone. Sometimes you get the chance to get it back.

Why This Must Be Read: This is one of my favorite Miller's Crossing tags. This is Atlantis' reaction to Rodney's kidnapping and his return. Rodney is completely baffled by how weird people are being, completely oblivious to the meaning behind their actions. Promises Writ gives you a glimpse into Teyla and Ronon's culture, shows you how much people care about Rodney - all with Rodney being his usual self. A fun plot and great characterization! This is one of my go-to fics when I'm feeling particularly fond of Rodney, when I need something to cheer me up, or just when I want a good read.

Promises Writ in Indelible Ink
Mine (sequel, full McShep)

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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