Aspect of Divinity (the world is my oyster) [Mature]

Jun 02, 2013 20:00

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Length: 13,246
Author on LJ: kariye
Author Website: AO3 Author Page
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary: The summer John is eighteen, he drives an ice cream truck. He hasn’t yet learned there are things he can’t do just because he wants to badly enough. Or, a fic about seeing the map of the world.

This is one of my favorite fics, one where John and Rodney meet pre-Atlantis. It's the story of one summer, where John has to pull a boy his age away from his studies, where he craves Rodney's attention. There's pie and star-gazing and summer romance between two young men. It's also the story of John's life (where the memory of Rodney is never forgotten) after that summer and up to Antarctica. The characterization is wonderful and the prose is beautiful. This fic is one that has stuck with me.

Aspects of Divinity (the world is my oyster)

stargate atlantis, fanfic

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