"Somewhere I Have Never Traveled, Gladly Beyond" by Wyntermute (PG-13)

May 30, 2013 23:33

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: Sakura/Deidara
Length: 16 chapters, 82,879 words
Author on LJ: wyntermute
Author Website: FF.net profile page

Why this must be read: This was my first experience with Sakura/Deidara, and before its summary caught my eye, I'd never considered it. I gave the fic a try, and was glad I did! Sakura and Deidara's uneasy alliance to find their way home, dealing with foreign cultures, and all the lovely UST make for a satisfying read. I also rather liked how the author explained Deidara's speech pattern, if if has been Jossed since. ^^ [set after the Rescue Gaara Shippuuden arc]

Somewhere I Have Never Traveled, Gladly Beyond by Wyntermute

naruto, fanfic

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