Never, Once by Rubynye (NC-17/Explicit)

May 29, 2013 04:46

Pairing: Kirk/Pike
Length: 7700
Author on LJ: rubynye
Author Website: Rubynye’s stories on AO3
Why this must be read:

Oh my hotness.

I am a fanfic writer, as I’m sure many of you are too, and - welp, have you ever read something and just thought it was time to slam your laptop closed and just whimper about the pointlessness of it all when there are SUCH WORKS OF ART OUT THERE? No? Then maybe you shouldn't read this one…

The premise is simple: Christopher Pike meets rentboy Kirk a few years before that Iowa bar fight, at a high-end hotel during shore leave. They have one memorable night, the end. But holy crap, what a night! Rubynye’s writing is so sensual, so descriptive, and knowing, and, well, visceral that you literally feel it in your bones. I’d quote an excerpt of the good stuff, but it’s all good stuff. Not a single word is wasted, and in addition to being literally one of the best erotic stories I have read, this story will make you ache for the relationship that could have been between these two.

Come for the porn, but stay for the… porn! Srsly, this is to be read in your bunk.

Never, Once

star trek: reboot, fanfic

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