The Cartland Factor by The Hag (PG-13)

May 28, 2013 12:00

Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Length: 2,800 words
Author on LJ: hagsrus
Author Website: On AO3
Why this must be read: This one I'm reccing just because it's fun, it's fluffy, it's as light as a feather and it won't go to your hips.

'The Cartland Factor' makes gentle fun of those bodice rippers and gaudy romance paperbacks, while never crossing the line into mocking - it allows you to smile at yourself. The lads are delightfully drunk, and get more so as they're plied with booze by two wonderfully wicked ladies. Bodie gets his (gentle) comeuppance, and Doyle gets his man... and we get to grin and enjoy pure fluff without any guilt - or the hangover. *g*

The Cartland Factor

the professionals, fanfic

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