Twice at Dawn by coincident (PG-13)

May 26, 2013 20:40

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: Rin/Obito, Itachi/Shisui
Length: one-shot at 12,316 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: profile
Why this must be read: This fic takes the idea of the all-important Uchiha oniisan and uses it to weave a great coming of age story. Obito doesn't die here, and instead is the big brother figure for Shisui, who in turn is the big-brother figure for Itachi. Told from Obito's POV, we watch Shisui and Itachi's genius develop in the wake of Obito's Uchiha-deemed failures. Obito watching his cousins' development is both amusing and sad, particularly the lead-up to and demise of the Uchiha clan. All is told with the author's masterful way with words, walking that fine line between beautiful and purple prose with grace. Warning: incest [AU from the beginning of canon, spoilers for the big Itachi versus Sasuke confrontation]

Twice at Dawn by coincident

naruto, fanfic

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