"Childish Things" by Betula (PG)

May 22, 2013 21:31

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: none, Team 7 gen
Length: one-shot at 3,346 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: FF.net profile
Why this must be read: I love how an outsider's POV of our favorite characters can help us see them in an entirely new light. This fic does that wonderfully! I also find it very easy to relate to the main character and her fascination with dashing, heroic ninja. How many of us as children dreamed of being pirates, astronauts, or movie stars? Her observations of Team 7 are touching, and her dose of reality quietly chilling. Wow. [set in Team 7's happy genin days]

Childish Things by Betula

naruto, fanfic

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