post tenebras lux by jouissant (NC-17/Explicit) (Spoilers for Star Trek:Into Darkness)

May 22, 2013 10:15

Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Length: 2700
Author on LJ: jouissant
Author Website: Fics on LJ and AO3
Why this must be read:

I expect Star Trek: Into Darkness will inspire a lot of stories with this theme - hell, I’m writing one myself - but I’m here to tell you that this one will be what you should measure all the rest against.

This story could’ve been cracky, and it could’ve just been a reason for some damn hot smut (and make no mistake, it’s damn hot). But the author takes the “Thank fuck you didn’t die, let’s fuck” trope and turns it into the most emotional tag to the movie I have yet to read. On initial reading, I found myself skipping over the smut to get to the emotional bits, that’s how good this is.

Spock here is a man who has almost lost the love of his life, and his reactions, his thoughts and feelings are so realistically rendered, you will swear it is happening to you as the story unfolds. His desperation is palpable, the knowledge of what he nearly lost so present for him, your heart will break even as it is soaring at the joy both men take in each other’s bodies as they comfort each other.

Read this!

post tenebras lux on AO3

star trek: reboot, fanfic

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