Angel of Death by cmshaw (R for mortality themes)

May 21, 2013 11:26

Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Length: 37k
Author on LJ: cmshaw
Author Website:
Though cmshaw’s stories are elsewhere too, for instance on AO3 - though oddly this fic is not archived there.

Why this must be read:
Emphatically NOT a death story - it’s about life and devotion - in this fic cmshaw shows us a Blair utterly determined not to give up on his partner, and to look for answers way beyond what conventional science is telling all around him. And at the same time, Jim is wandering in a strange land - a perfect take on TS mysticism.
This fic is a frequent re-read for me. The depth of friendship and love conveyed, never slushily, together with the lovely matter-of-fact ending, make the whole story deeply satisfying. And it’s beautifully written….

the sentinel, fanfic

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