It's Bad Enough We Get Along FireEverything, MarieLikesToDraw (MarieLikeToDraw)

May 20, 2013 09:20

Pairing: Chris Argent/Peter Hale, background Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Length: 13000 and a sequel!
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website: MarieLikesToDraw at AO3 and FireEverything at AO3
Why this must be read: Fandom often over-looks the hot-ass GROWN MEN of Teen Wolf fandom and that is a crying shame, because Dr. Deaton, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, and Peter Hale are just as gorgeous as any of the kids, and those of us 38 and older don't feel nearly as squicky when imagining their exploits as we sometimes do imagining the younger generation.

Peter's voice is so sharp and precise and sassy it should be a crime. And Chris is in such a vulnerable place and knows better than to play with the big bad wolf, and yet he keeps on doing it.

“Where’s Derek?” Argent demands without preamble, without any pretense at diplomacy. Peter could sigh, if he was feeling demonstrative.

“He’s learning to delegate,” Peter says.

Argent looks livid, lines in his face deepening.

“I want a truce,” he says at last.

“We have a truce,” he reminds him, watching him with senses open like he was taught, many years ago. Chris Argent has a strong heartbeat, deep lungs. He’s a mess, emotions sliding off him in waves.

“I want it in writing.”


“Invoking a contract is a more complicated business,” Peter says, telling him what he must already know. The Argents are a clan not without history, however human. The age of their traditions also carries weight.

“Don’t pander to me,” Argent says, voice low in his throat.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Peter hedges, voice light.

Peter never dreams of anything but fire and mouthfuls of dirt.

It's Bad Enough We Get Along

teen wolf, fanfic

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