"A Shared Sky" by Quillslinger, (PG)

May 19, 2013 21:03

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: none, ensemble gen
Length: one-shot at 1,865 words
Author on LJ: ronsard
Author Website: Fic posts are public
Why this must be read: The second Shippuuden's ending animation was unusual for being an actual high school AU--and close to canon as one can get! This fic is based on that, and is a charming little story that completely won me over. ^///^ Each character's visit to see Naruto in the hospital is sweet, and the ending has a lovely hint of more to come for him and Sasuke. I like it! [set in the second Shippuuden ending theme]

A Shared Sky by Quillslinger

naruto, fanfic

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