"Intentions and Intoxications" by TJ_Dragonblade (NC-17)

May 18, 2013 11:45

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: Sai/Yamato
Length: 3 chapters, 14,181 words
Author on LJ: tj-dragonblade
Author Website: Their LJ profile has a convenient index of all the various sites and what can be found on them.
Why this must be read: This pairing never occurred to me before reading this fic. I must salute the author, because they made me believe it! Sai is very much his direct and unknowingly awkward self as he goes after Yamato, who does his best to be responsible even as he progressively isn't. ^^ This fic could easily have turned squicky or trite, but I quite like how the author handled it, and wrote one of my fave first-time fics ever. Nice! Warning: graphic sex. [set after a fanon ending to the war]

Intentions and Intoxications by TJ_Dragonblade

naruto, fanfic

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