Auld Lang Syne by Alyjude (NC-17)

May 18, 2013 12:22

Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Length: 65K
Author on LJ: alysbasement -and- alyburns

Author Website:
Alyjude’s work is in a number of places but this link lists them all, I think

Why this must be read: Alyjude is a prolific writer and it’s not surprising that her work is frequently recommended. I was pleased to see, as it gave me the opportunity to show my appreciation, though a bit surprised, that this story had not been recced on Crackvan before. It’s one of my go-to stories for a happy read, and a nice warm feeling inside. It’s funny, romantic, and leaves you feeling deeply satisfied that - finally -  all is right in the Jim/Blair world. Altogether now: Aaaaahhhh……. ;)
(I’ve used the K9 Kennel link for the story, as there it’s all in one place)

the sentinel, fanfic

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