"Locker Room Therapy" by Asuka Kureru (NC-17)

May 13, 2013 21:27

Fandom: NARUTO
Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke
Length: one-shot at 7,337 words
Author on LJ: askerian
Author Website: author has fics all over, but looks like their FF.net profile has an index of all the various places
Why this must be read: This fic is proof that no matter how worn-out a trope, a good author can make it work, and work WELL. This fic is dark and painful and not happy at all, and it's all the more powerful because of it. The relationship between Naruto and Sasuke feels perfect, their characters ring true, and in the end I was so very glad Naruto had Sasuke to help him. For the record, the tropes are High School AU and Healing Cock. (ONOES!) As a bonus, the author is ESL. As my BFF said when I told her about the fic, "This author wins at fanfic." Warning: torture and off-screen rape [setting is the dreaded high school AU, no canon spoilers]

Locker Room Therapy by Asuka Kureru

naruto, fanfic

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