Pairing: Derek/Stiles, Derek/Jackson
Length: 34k
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linaerysAuthor Website:
At AO3Why this must be read: Because it's *good*, because it takes some fanfic tropes and turns them on their heads, because it's funny and sexy and heart-wrenching and so well-characterized you can hear the voices as you read and see the characters as well as if you were watching the show. The first time I read this fic, I immediate started it again right from the beginning.
Stiles can’t sleep that night for the longest time. There is not a single thing he can do. He can’t even research anymore, because the alpha’s here, being all intimidating, passing judgment. And when Stiles isn’t thinking about that he can’t help but enjoy the memory of what happened before. Of course, the super alpha might be planning to kill them all, but-Derek gave him a blowjob. No wonder Scott has been so useless about Allison. And they’re going all the way.
Which is also not a thought that makes sleep any easier. Whatever’s going on with Derek is weird enough without bringing, like actual, penetrative sex into it. And there’s also Jackson, and whatever’s going on with him and Derek, which Stiles really doesn’t want to think about.
Not that he wants to date Derek or anything. His dad would totally freak. Derek’s hot and seems to like Stiles more than he’s willing to admit, which is sort of funny and flattering, but he’s also kind of a nightmare bundle of issues.
Slide on over and forget it's wrong