Thirty Minutes by K Hanna Korossy (PG)

May 08, 2013 23:36

Pairing: none
Length: approx. 4000 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author’s website: Is here. Many of her works are also at (and the formatting may be a bit better).

K Hanna Korossy is a wonderful and prolific writer, and she excels at hurt/comfort. Thirty Minutes is a great example of her work. It’s a tightly written account of the first half hour after Starsky's been shot in a bank robbery -- told from Starsky's point of view as he fades between the grave reality of his rescue and dreamlike recollections of a falling-out with Hutch, all with the thirty-minute clock running.

From Thirty Minutes:

        He didn't realize at first he'd been shot.

The blow hit him hard in the chest, unbalancing him, but Starsky had staggered on a few steps more before his mind caught up with his body.  That had been a bullet, not a random bump from the chaos of bodies around him.  He stared down in disbelief at the growing stain of red on his chest. I love this shirt.

And then his knees unlocked and he toppled gracelessly onto the road.

Thirty Minutes

starsky & hutch, fanfic

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