The Towers On The Heights Reach To Heav'n's Own Blue by minervacat (R)

May 07, 2013 15:54

Pairing: Gen, Sheppard/Mitchell
Length: 9493, 9570
Author on LJ: minervacat
Author Website:
Why this must be read:
In which John Sheppard hates cricket and accidentally starts an intramural soccer league, and Cameron Mitchell thinks McKay's sister sucks.
In which: John is appalled by SG-1, Cameron is relentlessly cheerful, Jack drinks beer, Teal'c roots for Florida, Sam flirts with Wisconsin fans, Vala tries to show her breasts to basketball players, and Daniel is mostly oblivious to all of it.

Basically, the 2 fics (the 2nd being the sequel) boil down to 'John Sheppard and Cam Mitchell bond over sports'. No actual knowledge of sports seems necessary considering it's pretty much a foreign language for me and it wasn't a bar to enjoying the story. The first part is mostly gen while the sequel comes with the pairing.

'The Towers...' takes place on Atlantic and works really well as a long-distance friendship fic where John finds one of the things he strangely misses most about Earth is access to ESPN. John ends up email-ing back and forth with Cam about college football mostly, but their interactions involve mocking teams and each other, sports news, bitching about soccer, and somehow becoming friends while John sulks about Cam's team stealing John's team's coach. Meanwhile, we get to see a community building in Pegasus that goes beyond the explore+survive nature of the show. It's a nice chance to see characters making Atlantis feel a little more like home and John connecting with someone over non-Atlantis related topics.

The sequel involved John on earth going to games with the entirety of SG-1. There is some hilarious SG-1 team bonding and mocking, a lot of drinking, and a really comfortable dynamic between John and Cam that works for the actual laid back sides of their personality that comes through.

The Towers On The Heights Reach To Heav'n's Own Blue
Steal The Thunder From The Sky

stargate sg1, stargate atlantis, fanfic

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