Mark of the Beast by Ysone(Donna Gentry) (PG-13)

Mar 14, 2013 13:15

Pairing: None, Gen
Length: 40,600 approx
Author on LJ: Not Known
Author Website: here
Why this must be read:

What would happen if Blair had already found a sentinel before meeting Jim?

I love all of Ysone's stories and this is one of my favourites. In this long, angsty AU, Blair is working with Nathan Wester, a sentinel and detective in Seattle when they are called to Cascade to assist in a case. Jim's senses have recently emerged and Blair realizes quickly that he is a sentinel and is drawn to help him. A large part of the story deals with Blair's struggle between his desire to help Jim and his strong ethical sense of duty to his first sentinel , even though he is an abusive jerk. Wester goes from being emotionally to physically abusive, to frankly unhinged as his possessiveness and territoriality towards Blair escalate. There is a bit of animal spirit mysticism involved in the dramatic resolution and things end happily- well, for our two guys, anyway. I also like the way Simon is drawn in this story.

Mark of The Beast Part One
Part Two

the sentinel, fanfic

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