Hakai by siluria (Mature)

Mar 11, 2013 18:23

Pairing: Steve/Danny
Length: 30,205 words
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: AO3
Why this must be read:

Author's Summary : The Yakuza aren’t about to let go of their influence on Hawaii, and when one of their ‘bosses’ arrives on the Island the team want nothing more than to see them gone again. Steve especially, because he's still trying to work out where he stands with Danny since his return from Japan with Wo Fat. But before they can find out why the Yakuza boss is here, two bodies are found in a forest reserve, their burials years apart. The deeper the team digs, the further away from the Yakuza threat they’re pulled.

I really liked how tightly woven of a casefic this was and I could literally picture everything in my head. It read just like an episode, from the mysterious bodies to the yakuza to the big showdown at the end. The suspense kept building till I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next action scene.

Siluria also drew in some wonderful character study and Steve/Danny moments. She picked up on the tension of Steve's sudden departure late Season 2 and drew us on a journey to eventual S/D harmony. I especially enjoyed some of the tenderness in her scenes with these two guys. The shower scene is a particular favorite. It was emotional, loving, and just showed the sheer depths of these guy's feelings for each other.


hawaii five-o (new), fanfic

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