Hutch (Untitled) by Duluthgirl (G)

Mar 06, 2013 19:00

Pairing: None
Length: N/A: Artwork
Author on LJ: duluthgirl
Author Website:

Why this must be read (viewed): Hello and happy Wednesday wishes to all my fellow S&H crack_vanners! It's good to have you onboard. Today, we bypass the world of words and walk under that graceful arch ahead, up the stairs, and into the S&H art gallery. I will let the words of Oscar Wilde explain why this piece must be viewed: "A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament."

Duluthgirl is a creator with a compelling blend of uniqueness and vision, backed up with a Lake Superior sized wallop of talent. She can write stories, she can contribute mightily to discussions, and she can draw beautiful pieces of art. I think the one featured here is quite dear to her heart. When it was issued, she even offered a story challenge accompaniment. I hope someday I can catch up with her and hear her own personal story of how this picture of Hutch came into being. To me, he looks both battered and determined--and I'm sure there's a backstory where his partner features prominently. For now, I will simply admire. I hope you will join me!

Hutch (Untitled)

fanart, starsky & hutch

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