Blind Justice by Ankaree (R)

Feb 13, 2013 21:40

Pairing: Jim/Blair
Length: 27180 words
Author on LJ: Not known
Author Website: at My Mongoose, here
Why this must be read: - In a world where sentinels and guides are known, unguided sentinel Jim Ellison is injured when saving a blind man - Blair Sandburg - and his seeing eye dog when their warehouse home blows up.

This is a world where both Jim and Blair have deep-seated fears; because of his upbringing Jim is afraid to love, because of his experience with Alex Barnes Blair is afraid to trust a sentinel again. These are not original themes, but Ankaree handles them well, and the result is a story about an evolving relationship that, despite those fears, continues to get closer.

Blind Justice

the sentinel, fanfic

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