Performance by Markus Ramikin (T, which is probably PG-13)

Nov 28, 2012 19:03

Pairing: none
Length: ~700
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website:
Why this must be read:

Occasionally a fanfic appears where a much-ignored minor character is examined brilliantly. This tiny ficlet does just that with Lind L. Tailor, and is also something of a character study of L as well. I like it for a number of reasons, but one reason is because it doesn't sugar-coat L's character. It portrays L as a pushy manipulator who doesn't express much emotion and is something of a jerk, and yet he is still a good guy; the fanfic doesn't go too far in the other direction into L-bashing either. It simply portrays L as he is, with his brilliance and his flaws, while also looking deep into the mind of a very minor character.


death note, anime/manga, fanfic

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