Title: "Plaything of the Gods" by reaperlight (author also known as plannedbyReaperLight)
Pairing: The Shinigami King/Light
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reaperlightAuthor Website:
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Fanfiction.Net (no longer updated)
Why this must be read:
The Shinigami King is a minor canon character who is mentioned but never appears (at least, not until the one-shot sequel that may have been written by a different author and that some fans consider to be of a different canon continuity). Thus, there is a great amount of fannish freedom in how to depict the king, and this fanfic has one of the most imaginative, and coolest, depictions I've ever seen.
This version of the king is one of the abominable "cosmic horror" gods of Lovecraft's
Cthulhu Mythos, a mass of tentacles searching for Light Yagami. After finding out that the king's tentacles confer great power, Light isn't entirely averse to being found. As is proper for a Cthulhu Mythos tale, things don't go exactly as planned...
Plaything of the Gods