What You Know by applecameron (Teen)

Oct 29, 2012 13:18

Pairing/Characters: Chris/Vin, Ezra
Length: 689 words
Author on LJ: not known
Author website: Author on AO3

Why this must be read: It's a lovely one if you're interested in dynamics and perspective.  Although very short this is a stylish, beautifully-written interpretation of the triumvirate of Chris, Vin and Ezra.  The voice we hear is Vin's, the central emotional/sexual relationship of the story is Chris/Vin, while the focus of the piece is essentially Ezra.  It casts a beam on how, or even if, he fits into the Seven and particularly how he relates to Chris and Vin.

But once Vin took up with Chris, the two of them settling down out at his place to raise a few horses, not that Vin didn't still run off for weeks at a time to visit the Kiowa, or the Seminole village where Nathan slowly courted Rain, or go looking for some of his old Comanche brothers, or sometimes just go with nowhere in mind, that diamond quality of Ezra seemed a little dimmer.  Not tarnished, just - he missed them, was Vin's guess.

What You Know

the magnificent seven, fanfic

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