Fandom: GRIMM
Pairing: none ; gen
Length: 19,111 words
Author on LJ:
luthienberenAuthor Website:,
AO3Why this must be read:
Author's Summary: A mysterious death in Forest Park leads to Monroe going missing. Nick races to find his friend.
Another suspenseful action/adventure fic that draws on the unexplored side of the Grimm world (at least in canon) as Monroe disappears in the woods and Nick needs to help him. I loved how drawn into the story the reader becomes. We become eased in with some wonderful Nick and Monroe banter (rockin' character voices!). Then a case arises that gets weirder and weirder until we have a missing Blutbad and a Grimm who would push the limits of his tolerance and patience to save his friend.
I've really got to shine a light on the Nick-Monroe friendship in this piece. Luthienberen has made it so strong and vibrant. Not that it isn't already in canon, but she's really bitten into the meat of their relationship. Monroe's deep faith in Nick's ability to help him and Nick's determined efforts in getting that help to him are all amazingly portrayed. Two men in a strong bond who would do anything for each other, what else is the true definition of friendship?
Unbreakable Bond