Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Length: 17k
Author on Lj: Website: none found
Why this must be read:
University AU is just what it says on the tin, an AU with Arthur and Eames at university. Arthur's crush on his roommate leads to a misunderstanding that leads into some outstanding porn. And there is lots of plot and a very funny Eames background story as a privileged lord of the manor, etc., but really this is some seriously good (not campy or physically improbable) smut. Which also explains why the podfic is so phenomenal to listen to. It is all because it is read by Dodificus, who manages both plot and porn perfectly. She is a podficcer of the first water and I say without hesitation that everything she records is excellent.
University AU(the stories aren't linked together but the three parts are listed here).
University AU