Pairing: None
Characters Jim Ellison, Blair Sandburg, Simon Banks
Length 2512 words
Author's Warning Gen
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Her page on AO3Why this must be read: Two reasons. One: sometimes you only have a limited amount of time to indulge in reading about your favorite characters, and this is a short, well written story. Two: It's in Simon's POV, and his concern and protectiveness about his injured and unconscious friend Jim Ellison is strongly shown. What also makes it interesting is his reactions when Jim's flaky new little buddy shows up at the hospital and challenges the medical care Jim is being given. Simon and Blair became friends on the show, but they didn't click right away. With this story, we see how Simon started changing his mind about that long-haired hippie kid that Jim lets hang around him.
Summary : Originally published in 2003. Jim's first visit to the hospital on Blair's watch. Except that Simon has the first watch and is not particularly inclined to pass it on.
* * *
It didn't take Jim's enhanced senses to hear Sandburg's arrival at the nurse's station. His voice was higher pitched than usual, his normally smooth voice rapid and jerky. "Ellison? He's a patient here. Jim Ellison? I need to see him, I'm, uhh, family, his cousin on his mother's side, but she's dead and we're close and my mother, his aunt, is out of the country, so I'm really the only family he has here in Cascade, and--"
I stepped into the hall. "Sandburg. Here."
The nurses at the station were looking a little stunned at his rapid-fire delivery. When he heard my voice he turned. "Oh, hey, Simon." He turned back and smiled at the nurses with his most open smile. "Simon's here, too."
The head nurse gave him a wintry smile and nodded at me. "And he's Ellison's brother, right?"
Sandburg nodded. "Ye--No! Simon's his boss. Captain Banks, Cascade PD. Anyway, I'll just, uhh, go talk to Simon now--thanks for your help."
As Sandburg followed me into the room, I saw him snag Ellison's medical chart and flip through it, rapidly reading the information. "Oh, no... oh, shit!" He looked at me accusingly. "How could you let them give him this crap? These drugs all work directly on the sensory processing centers. Man, he's gotta be transiting the Outer Nebula about now. Seizure disorder? Potential aphasic epilepsy? Oh, please, where do these people get their degrees?" He tossed the chart on the shelf by the door and scurried over to stand by Jim.
"I wasn't aware you had a medical degree, Doctor Sandburg." Respect for authority was not one of Sandburg's attributes.
"I don't need a medical degree to know what's wrong with him," Sandburg snapped back. "Very mild concussion, liberal use of inappropriate drugs given his sensitivities and a zone-out." He looked at the IV and the monitors hooked to Jim. "Why didn't you call me? I need to know right away, I need to be here, the longer he stays zoned the harder it is to pull him out. This is something we're gonna have to work on--"
Sandburg peered at the heart monitor before pressing a button and silencing the audible tone. "Don't touch that! What do you think you are doing?"
Sandburg's voice dropped to a whisper. "He's way overloaded, what he needs now is less, man, less everything. Less light, less noise, less sensory input." Sandburg moved around the room, silencing the remaining monitors, pulling blinds closed and dimming lights. He shut the room's heavy door and came to stand by the bed, looking down at Jim and frowning.
"He's getting the best medical care available. What does an anthropology graduate student know about medicine that respected medical professionals don't?" I refused to feel bad about his wince as I purposely slighted his credentials.
Earned by Rhyo