Pairing: Sam/Gene
Length: 1 pic
Author on LJ:
http://basaltgrrl.livejournal.comAuthor Website: this must be viewed:
This post originally was intended for the fic plus illustration but well, blueteak beat me to it... so now it's an art post (with added fic)! LOL
The wonderful illustration by basaltgrrl for severinne's fic "One Year" - equally beautiful as the fic, and hot as hell:
You’ve got my coat and my fags... Link to the fic (for those who don't know it yet): Written by another one of my favourite authors, this story is equally hot (!) and sweet, with the characters totally in character althought they do say/do things one might not have expected (and others which you totally would!). The language is wonderfully descriptive and evocative:
"He moved unthinkingly towards the kettle but his eyes, blearily trained on the floor, were caught by a narrow zip of light thrown across the tiles, glowing in the dark of the kitchen and pointing towards the slightly-open back door like an arrow on a map."
One Year by severinne
Go view and read!