Title: Chill out and learn to love your pussy by halfeatenmoon
Pairing: Gerard Way/Tuxedo Mask
Author on LJ:
halfeatenmoonAuthor Website:
halfeatenmoon@AO3Why this must be read: My heart kind of melted when I read this story that meshes my oldest with my newest fandom. That aside, it's a hilarious story that tries to explore the possibilities that arise when Gerard, Mikey and Co. gain the ability to turn into female Sailor Scouts. There are a lot of funny details, and I for one loved to learn who's behind the Tuxedo Mask costume.
"But why do I need to be a girl to fight evil?" He asked Brian the cat once he'd vanquished enough evil for the night and was safely back home in his bedroom. "It seems really unusual! In a totally cool way, of course. It's awesome to have magic and goodness and power associated with femininity for once, because our culture can be so shitty about women's roles, so... actually that would be pretty cool if that was why. Is that why?"
Brian stopped licking his fur and gave Gerard a withering look. "Who fucking cares why, Gerard? I don't have a goddamn clue why, and I don't give a shit. What matters is that you have to be prepared to fight evil, lots of it, and keep your identity a secret, and we need to hurry up and find the other Sailor Scouts as soon as possible so you don't have to do it on your own."
Chill out and learn to love your pussy