Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Length: 15300 words
Author on LJ:
Lynn (gaealynn)Why this must be read: it's one of the few fic where Mark is the CEO of FB, making what a CEO does! In a lot of fics seems that the only thing Mark is doing for FB is coding, going to gala and treating to fire people. This fic is one of the few where is bring up the issue of what Mark does at work. Plus broken feeling, reconciliation with Wardo (and with a very good analyzing of his character by Mark POV), etc...
Unfortunately, being CEO of Facebook does not mean that Mark gets to code all day and ignore everything else. The papers are resumes, which means that Sylvia, who has been his HR director for three years, has scheduled all of the final round interviews today. In thirty minutes he'll meet with her to review them, she'll brief him on each one, and then he'll spend the rest of his day sitting in the corner of the office Sylvia uses for interviews while Sylvia grills them mercilessly. He might, maybe, ask a question, but mostly he'll just shake their hand when they come in, again when they leave, and stare at them in between. It's a little creepy, he knows, but to be frank if they can't handle it for an hour, they probably shouldn't end up working at Facebook anyway.
These days, Mark spends anywhere from 25% to 50% of any given work week doing what he's mentally labeled 'CEO stuff.'
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