Title: Early Returns
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Length: 15k
Author on LJ:
http://rageprufrock.livejournal.comAuthor on AO3:
http://archiveofourown.org/users/rageprufrock/pseuds/rageprufrock Why this must be read
I believe it is a truth universally acknowledged that if you see Rageprufrock in the byline, you must read the story. Early Returns is a newspaper AU with Eames as an investigative journalist and Arthur his editor. Think Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday levels of banter and attraction. Dom, Mal, Yusuf and Ariadne all play convincing secondary roles as do several original characters and you get a fascinating look into the workings of a newspaper. And to make it even better, there is a wonderful podfic by tinypinkmouse. This one is on heavy rotation for me, I never get tired of listening to her.
The Story:
Early Returns The Podfic:
Early Returns