Title: Shadows of Angmar by Mike Taurguss
Pairing: various and sundry, but heavily inclined to Gabrielle/OC
Length: 315,223 words
Author on LJ: no idea
Author Website:
Mike Taurguss on FF.netWhy this must be read:
Have you ever gotten stuck in a fandom rut? Think you've read it all and can predict the endings? And then suddenly a story comes along and it blows you away because it is like nothing you've ever read before and you keep thinking that it shouldn't work so well and that it really isn't the kind of fanfic you like to read and then three hundred thousand words later you emerge from reading it in a daze... yeah. That's this story.
Gabrielle and Xena are mysteriously transported to Middle-Earth (about 20 years after the War of the Ring). There are also some other travelers that literally crash land there, too, and it seems Gabby and Xena have a history with these characters (the prequel to Shadows of Angmar,
Xena and the Flight of the Phoenix details those adventures in only 40,821 words). It's really hard to describe this story... for the first several chapters I was all "WTF!??! Space ships? I don't! Guns? What!?!" but eventually I got past that and started enjoying the incredible characterization, dialogue, and detailed world building (both original and Tolkien). You should know that it takes a skilled writer to keep me off-balance and intrigued. If you are a fan of military and/or space operas, like Xena: Warrior Princess AND The Lord of the Rings, don't mind a whole gaggle of well-developed original characters, and enjoy good writing, this story is for you!
Warning: The story is not, technically, complete, but it has been in progress for 6 years and the last update was yesterday. Since it'll probably be awhile before this fandom is driven here again, I couldn't resist recommending it, but I don't want you to get through 300k words without knowing that it's not over yet. On the other hand, Chapter 17 ends at a good stopping place, and hopefully the author will update in a few months...
Shadows of Angmar by Mike Taurguss