After being retired as a regular fandom here in 2009, Smallville is now back for a month. \o/ I'm going to focus on reccing newer works. The show is over and the fandom is smaller than it once was, but still active. Though the most activity is in the Chloe/Oliver pairing I am very much a Clark/Lex fan so that's what you're getting from me.
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Length: multiple complete stories, each 3,000 to 18,000 words
Author on LJ:
tallihensiaAuthor Website:
alatrific or on
AO3Why this must be read:
This is a Smallville futurefic that mostly utilizes earlier seasons but throws in a few DCU elements to introduce an original version of Kon (before he actually appeared in SV), that is, Clark and Lex's cloned son.
What I like so much about this series is that it is not easy. There is a lot to overcome between Clark and Lex and they have both made massive mistakes in the past and neither one here jumps right into forgiving or trusting the other. But Kon is determined to have a family and two dads together and even though he has his own painful past he's not giving up on anyone or anything in the future. Mixed in with the painfully-won steps forward there are also a lot of steps back.
There are also some heroic efforts to piece together many of the contradictory and dropped elements of SV's plots into an overarching epic scheme. I do love all the various explanations fanfic authors come up with that make more sense than what was ever said on the show.
Not A Villain series on LJNot A Villain series on AO3