Pairing: Brad Colbert/Nate Fick
Length: 4781
Author on LJ:
hackthisAuthor Website:
LJWhy this must be read:
hackthis does Nate's leaving-the-Corps paddle party and how. This story gives us Brad's POV of the party, with a pitch-perfect internal monologue that's bitter and broken as only she can write. It's a marvelous progression from restraint to freedom (and drunkenness to sobriety) in a quiet piece, full of the things the guys do not say to one another. And yet it's still hilarious, with perfect portrayals of the rest of the platoon. She breathes life into the characters in the little things and the result is sharp, witty, and melancholy. Much like the mini itself. Wonderful.
Brad was never a reluctant warrior until he met Nate Fick. Until he just wanted to give in to this one thing.
Sir, Not to Get Homoerotic About This…