Two Wolves by Xanthe (NC17)

Feb 11, 2012 11:00

Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Tony
Length: 147,000 words
Author on LJ: xanthestories
Author Website:, Masterlist on LJ
Warnings: non-con , dub-con , violence
Why this must be read:

Xanthe is one of those authors that, while she may take you to places darker and a bit more disturbing than you're comfortable with, she'll also provide bright illumination on her characters, their relationships, and the situations she puts them in. She'll take you for a journey that will make you both squirm and gasp in wonder at the depth of her writing and character exploration. I've seen her do this in both the Stargate Atlantis and NCIS fandoms.

With this story, Xanthe takes those storytelling skills up another notch. I read this in utter shock, seeing where Xanthe took Gibbs and Tony. The horror of their surroundings for most of the narrative and the pain of trying to re-acclimate to the real world with both of the psyches still intact, all the while building and keeping a healing relationship, kept me spell bound through all 147,000 words. Gibbs especially is taken to some dang dark places. His dark and white sides almost split down the middle and it's up to Tony to help bring them back to a gray medium. The way Xanthe can pull and twist these characters with her dark environment and situations and yet keep them totally in-character and their relationship one any slash fan of NCIS could recognize is a true measure of her writing talent. Even though you'll probably need to take a few breaks while reading this to take a deep breath from all the pain, you'll enjoy every word and be sucked in, just as I was, with the healing and beautiful Gibbs/Tony resolution.

Two Wolves

ncis, fanfic

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