Say Your Fault (NC-17)

Feb 07, 2012 18:56

Fandom: MARVEL COMICS (X-Men: First Class)
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Length: 5k
Author on LJ: seperis
Author Website: AO3 page
Why this must be read:

I will read anything that seperis writes. She uses subtle dark undertones, honest character development, and a lovely gift for language to set her work apart. This story is AU, but only in that there was a different outcome at the beach. What I love most about seperis' work is that she will often leave many things unsaid in a story, leaving the reader to interpret what actually happened how they will. I also love when people explore how ridiculous Charles' powers are. I mean Eric is scary in a "I will hunt you down and torture you" kind of way, but Charles' mind, if he was anything less than he is, is truly terrifying. Seperis shows a Charles that is afraid of himself, and what will happen to the mutants and people he is trying to protect if he stops using Cerebro, as well as a wonderful protective Erik. Go and read, definitely one of the best in this fandom.

Say Your Fault

x-men movieverse, marvel comics, fanfic

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