Time to Grow (R)

Feb 02, 2012 15:16

I'm jainamac and I'll be doing the Comic recs this month. I'll mostly be focusing on X-Men: First Class because it seriously just would not get out of my head after I saw the movie. Anytime you have James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender looking like they're completely in love with each other...idek it's just like very good crack. Anyway, hope you enjoy the fics I've got lined up!

Fandom: MARVEL COMICS (X-Men: First Class)
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Length: 20k
Author on LJ: zarah5
Author Website: Fic on AO3 and on her LJ
Why this must be read:
This is the story that I wanted to happen. It goes AU during/after the beach scene and the way the story develops is just fantastic. Erik and Charles form an uneasy truce and start to meet - and everyone but Charles realizes that they're actually dates. It resolves all of the issues that had me wondering at the end of the movie. Go and read, it's funny, angsty and just the perfect fix-it fic.

Time to Grow

x-men movieverse, marvel comics, fanfic

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